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“食”代强音 | 李陈龙:一直在路上,一直在突破



李陈龙,中山大学教授。长期从事植物表观遗传学和种子生物学研究,围绕染色 质重塑和组蛋白修饰的分子调控机理进行系统探索。国家级人才、广东省省部级人才。主持国家自然科学基 金项目面上项目 3 项。兼任中国植物学会种子科学与技术专业委员任(2018- 2023,2024-至今)、中国植物生理与植物分子生物学青年工作委员会委员、广东省植物 逆境生物学重点实验室副主任。以第一或通讯作者身份在 Nature Genetics 、Molecular Cell、Nature Plants 、The Plant Cell 、Molecular Plant 等刊物上发表系列研究论文。其中,近 5 年以通讯作者在 Molecular Cell 、Nature Plants 、Nature Communications 、 Developmental Cell、Plant Cell(2 篇)、Molecular Plant、Nucleic Acids Research 、 Plant Physiology(2 篇)等刊物发表研究论文。担任国自然基金、法国国家研究基金 (French National Research Agency)、波兰国家基金(National Science Centre Poland) 项目评委。担任 Nature Plants, Nature Communication, Development Cell, Molecular Plant, Plant Cell, PNAS 等杂志审稿人。


1. 植物基因表达调控的表观遗传机制。

2. 种子活力、萌发及幼苗转型的表观遗传调控。


2017 年-至今 中山大学生命科学学院 教授

2017 年-至今 有害生物控制与资源利用国家重点实验室 PI

2015-2017 加拿大农业部 伦敦研发中心 研究科学家

2015-2015 加拿大 the University of Western Ontario 生物系 博士后


2006-2009 加拿大 the University of Western Ontario 生物系 中山大学生命科学学院 硕士 博士

2001-2005 南昌大学生命科学与食品学院 本科


1. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,2023/01-2026/12 ,54 万,在研,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,2021/01-2024/12 ,58 万,在研,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,31870289,拟南芥染色体重塑酶 BRAHMA 相互作 用蛋白 BRIP1/2 调节植物发育的分子机理研究,2019/01-2022/12 ,60 万,在研,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,31871716,水稻种子老化相关 lncRNA 与染色体重塑 蛋白调控种子活力的作用机制研究,2019/01-2022/12 ,59 万,在研,参与

5. 中央高校基本业务费青年教师重点培育项目、18lgzd12、植物种子寿命的表观遗传 机理研究、2018/01-2019/12 ,30 万,已结题,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目,31640059 ,lncRNA 在水稻种子老化过程的功能及 其作用机制,2017/01-2017/12 ,15 万,已结题,参加


(# co-first author, * corresponding author)

(# co-first author, * corresponding author)

1. Zhenwei Liang1,3, Tao Zhu1,3, Yaoguang Yu1,3, CaihongWu1, Yisui Huang1, Yuanhao Hao1, Xin Song1, Wei Fu1, Liangbing Yuan1, Yuhai Cui2, Shangzhi Huang1, Chenlong Li1,4*.

(2024) PICKLE-mediated nucleosome condensing drives H3K27me3 spreading for the inheritance of Polycomb memory during differentiation. Molecular Cell, accepted

2. Tao Zhu, Chuangqi Wei, Yaoguang Yu, Zhenzhen Zhang, Jiameng Zhu, Zhenwei Liang, Xin Song, Wei Fu, Yuhai Cui, Zhi-Yong Wang*, Chenlong Li*. (2024) The BAS chromatin remodeler determines brassinosteroid-induced transcriptional activation and plant growth in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell 59(7):924-939.

3. Yawen Lei #, Yaoguang Yu#, Wei Fu, Tao Zhu, Caihong Wu, Zhihao Zhang, Zewang Yu, Xin Song, Jianqu Xu, Zhenwei Liang, Peitao Lü, Chenlong Li*. (2024) BCL7A and BCL7B potentiate SWI/SNF-complex-mediated chromatin accessibility to regulate gene expression and vegetative phase transition in plants. Nature Communications 15:935. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-45250-x

4. Wei Fu#, Yaoguang Yu#, Jie Shu, Zewang Yu, Yixiong Zhong, Tao Zhu, Zhihao Zhang, Zhenwei Liang, Yuhai Cui, Chen Chen, Chenlong Li*. (2023) Organization, genomic targeting and assembly of three distinct SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 35(7):2464-2483. (IF 12.085/5Y-IF 12.796)

5. Zhenwei Liang, Liangbing Yuan, Xiangyu Xiong, Yuanhao Hao, Xin Song, Tao Zhu, Yaoguang Yu, WeiFu, Yawen Lei, Jianqu Xu, Jun Liu, Jian-Feng Li, Chenlong Li*. (2022) The transcriptional repressors VAL1 and VAL2 mediate genome-wide recruitment of the CHD3 chromatin remodeler PICKLE in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 34(10):3915-3935. (IF

12.085/5Y-IF 12.796)

6. Fu-Yu Hung#, You-Cheng Lai#, Jianhao Wang#, Yun-Ru Feng, Yuan-Hsin Shih, Jian-Hao Chen, Hua-Chung Sun, Songguang Yang*, Chenlong Li*, Keqiang Wu*. (2021) The Arabidopsis histone demethylase JMJ28 regulates CONSTANS by interacting with FBH transcription factors. Plant Cell 33(6):1196-1211. (IF 12.085/5Y-IF 12.796)

7. Yaoguang Yu, Wei Fu, Jianqu Xu, Yawen Lei, Xin Song, Zhenwei Liang, Tao Zhu, Yuhui Liang, Yuanhao Hao, Liangbing Yuan, Chenlong Li*. (2021) Bromodomain-containing proteins BRD1, BRD2,and BRD13 are core subunits of SWI/SNF complexes and are vital for their genomic targeting in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 14(6):888-904. (IF 21.949/5Y-IF 19.617, Cover story)

8. Liangbing Yuan, Xin Song, Lu Zhang, Yaoguang Yu, Zhenwei Liang, Yawen Lei, Jiuxiao Ruan, Bin Tan, Jun Liu, Chenlong Li*. (2021) The transcriptional repressors VAL1 and VAL2 recruit PRC2 for genome-wide Polycomb silencing in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 49(1): 98-113. (IF 19.16/5Y-IF 17.21)

9. Jiuxiao Ruan#, Huhui Chen#, Tao Zhu#, Yaoguang Yu, Yawen Lei, Liangbing Yuan, Jun Liu, Zhi-Yong Wang, Jian-Fei Kuang, Wang-Jin Lu, Shangzhi Huang, Chenlong Li*.

(2021) Brassinosteroids repress the seed maturation program during the seed-to-seedling transition. Plant Physiology 186(1):534-548. (IF 8.005/5Y-IF 9.115)

10. Yaoguang Yu, Zhenwei Liang, Xin Song, Wei Fu, Jianqu Xu, Yawen Lei, Liangbing Yuan, Jiuxiao Ruan, ChenChen, Wenqun Fu, Yuhai Cui, Shangzhi Huang, Chenlong Li*. (2020) BRAHMA-interacting proteins BRIP1 and BRIP2 are core subunits of Arabidopsis SWI/SNF complexes. Nature Plants 6(8):996-1007. (IF 17.352/5Y-IF 19.328)

11. Huhui Chen, Jianhua Tong, WeiFu, Zhenwei Liang, Jiuxiao Ruan, Yaoguang Yu,Xin Song, Liangbing Yuan, Langtao Xiao, Jun Liu, Yuhai Cui, Shangzhi Huang, Chenlong Li*.

(2020) The H3K27me3 demethylase RELATIVE OF EARLY FLOWERING6 suppresses seed dormancy by inducing abscisic acid catabolism. Plant Physiology 184(4):1969-1978. (IF 8.005/5Y-IF 9.115)

12. Jie Shu#, Chen Chen#, Raj Kumar Thapa, Shaomin Bian, Vi Nguyen, Kangfu Yu, Ze-Chun Yuan, Jun Liu, Susanne E. Kohalmi, Chenlong Li*, Yuhai Cui*. (2019) Genome-wide occupancy of histone H3K27 methyltransferases CURLY LEAF and SWINGER in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Direct 3(1):e00100. (IF 3.369/5Y-IF 3.457)

13. Chenlong Li#,*, Vi Nguyen#, Jun Liu#, Wenqun Fu, Chen Chen, Kangfu Yu, Yuhai Cui*.

(2019) Mutagenesis of seed storage protein genes in Soybean using CRISPR/Cas9. BMC Research Notes 12(1):176.

14. Chenlong Li #, *, Chen Chen#, Huhui Chen, Suikang Wang, Xuemei Chen, and Yuhai Cui.

(2018) Verification of DNA motifs in Arabidopsis using CRISPR/Cas9 mediated mutagenesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 16(8):1446-1451. (IF 13.263/5Y-IF 11.619)

15. Chen Chen#, Chenlong Li#, Ying Wang, Gang Tian, Behnaz Saatian, Vi Nguyen, Abdelali Hannoufa, Ryan S. Austin, Susanne E. Kohalmi, Keqiang Wu, Shangzhi Huang and Yuhai Cui*. (2017) Cytosolic acetyl-CoA promotes histone acetylation predominantly at H3K27 in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 3(10): 814-824. (IF 17.352/5Y-IF 19.328)

16. Chenlong Li, Yuhai Cui*. (2016) A DNA element that remembers winter. Nature Genetics 48(12): 1451-1452. (IF 41.376/5Y-IF 39.32)

17. Chenlong Li, Lianfeng Gu, Lei Gao, ChenChen, Chuang-Qi Wei, Qi Qiu, Chih-Wei Chien,

Suikang Wang, Lihua Jiang, Lian-Feng Ai, Chia-Yang Chen, Songguang Yang, Vi Nguyen, Yanhua Qi, Michael P Snyder, Alma L Bulingame, Susanne E Kohalmi, Shangzhi Huang, Xiaofeng Cao, Zhi-Yong Wang, Keqiang Wu, Xuemei Chen, Yuhai Cui*. (2016)

Concerted genomic targeting of H3K27 demethylase REF6 and chromatin-remodeling ATPase BRM in Arabidopsis. Nature Genetics 48(6): 687-693. (IF 41.376/5Y-IF 39.32)

18. Chenlong Li, ChenChen,Lei Gao, Songguang Yang, Vi Nguyen, Xuejiang Shi, Katherine Siminovitch, Susanne E Kohalmi, Shangzhi Huang, Keqiang Wu, Xuemei Chen, Yuhai Cui*. (2015) The Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeler BRAHMA regulates polycomb function during vegetative development and directly activates the flowering repressor gene SVP. PLoS Genetics 11(1): e1004944. (IF 6.02 /5Y-IF 6.514)

19. Songguang Yang#, Chenlong Li#, Linmao Zhao#, Sujuan Gao, Jingxia Lu, Minglei Zhao, Chia-Yang Chen, Xuncheng Liu, Ming Luo, Yuhai Cui, Chengwei Yang, Keqiang Wu*.

(2015) The Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPase BRAHMA targets directly to PINs and is required for root stem cell niche maintenance. Plant Cell 27(6):1670-1680. (IF 12.085/5Y-IF 12.796)

20. Chenlong Li#, Keqiang Wu#, Guohua Fu, Yin Li, Yujuan Zhong, Xiaodong Lin, Yi Zhou, Lining Tian, Shangzhi Huang*. (2009) Regulation of oleosin expression in developing peanut (Arachis hypogaeaL.) embryos through nucleosome loss and histone modifications. Journal of Experimental Botany 60(15): 4371-4382. (IF 7.378/5Y-IF 8.331)

21. Fu-Yu Hung, Yuan-Hsin Shih, Pei-Yu Lin, Yun-Ru Feng, Chenlong Li, Keqiang Wu.

(2022) WRKY63 transcriptional activation of COOLAIR and COLDAIR regulates vernalization-induced flowering. Plant Physiology 190(1):532-547. (IF 8.005/5Y-IF 9.115)

22. Xiangyu Xiong, Zhenxiang Li, Jieping Liang, Kehui Liu, Chenlong Li, Jian-Feng Li*. (2022) A cytosine base editor toolkit with varying activity windows and target scopes for versatile gene manipulation in plants. Nucleic Acids Research 50(6): 3565-3580. (IF 19.16/5Y-IF 17.21)

23. Jie Shu, Chen Chen, Chenlong Li, Raj K Thapa, Jingpu Song, Xin Xie, Vi Nguyen, Shaomin Bian, Jun Liu, Susanne E Kohalmi, Yuhai Cui*. (2021) Genome-wide occupancy of Arabidopsis SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler SPLAYED provides insights into its interplay with its close homolog BRAHMA and Polycomb proteins. Plant Journal 106(1):200-213. (IF 7.091/5Y-IF 8.028)

24. Jie Shu, Chen Chen, Chenlong Li, Yuhai Cui*. (2020) The complexity of PRC2 catalysts CLF and SWN in plants. Biochemical Society Transactions 48(6):2779-2789. (IF 4.919/5Y-IF 5.611)

25. Fu-Yu Hung, Chen Chen, Ming-Ren Yen, Jo-Wei Allison Hsieh, Chenlong Li, Yuan-Hsin Shih, Fang-Fang Chen, Pao-Yang Chen*, Yuhai Cui*, Keqiang Wu*. (2020) The expression of long non-coding RNAs is associated with H3Ac and H3K4me2 changes regulated by the HDA6-LDL1/2 histone modification complex in Arabidopsis. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2(3): lqaa066.

26. Huhui Chen, Jiuxiao Ruan, Pu Chu*, Wei Fu, Zhenwei Liang, Yin Li, Jianhua Tong, Langtao Xiao,Jun Liu, Chenlong Li, Shangzhi Huang*. (2020) AtPER1 enhances primary seed dormancy and reduces seed germination by suppressing the ABA catabolism and GA biosynthesis in Arabidopsis seeds. Plant Journal 101(2):310-323. (IF 7.091/5Y-IF 8.028)

27. Chen Chen, Jie Shu, Chenlong Li, Raj K Thapa, Vi Nguyen, Kangfu Yu, Ze-Chun Yuan, Susanne E Kohalmi, Jun Liu, Frédéric Marsolais, Shangzhi Huang, Yuhai Cui*. (2019) RNA polymerase II-independent recruitment of SPT6L at transcription start sites in Arabidopsis. Nucleic Acids Research 47(13):6714-6725. (IF 19.16/5Y-IF 17.21)

28. Fu-Yu Hung, Fang-Fang Chen, Chenlong Li, Chen Chen, Jian-Hao Chen, Yuhai Cui*, KeqiangWu*. (2019) The LDL1/2-HDA6 histone modification complex interacts with TOC1 and regulates the core circadian clock components in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 10:233. (IF 6.627/5Y-IF 7.255)

29. Fu-Yu Hung, Fang-Fang Chen, Chenlong Li, ChenChen, You-Cheng Lai, Jian-HaoChen, Yuhai Cui*, Keqiang Wu*. (2018) The Arabidopsis LDL1/2-HDA6 histone modification complex is functionally associated with CCA1/LHY in regulation of circadian clock genes. Nucleic Acids Research 46(20):10669-10681. (IF 19.16/5Y-IF 17.21)

30. Yunmin Xu, Changkui Guo, Bingying Zhou, Chenlong Li, Huasen Wang, Ben Zheng, Han Ding, Zhujun Zhu, Angela Peragine, Yuhai Cui, Scott Poethig, Gang Wu*. (2016) Regulation of vegetative phase change by SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPase BRAHMA in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 172(4):2416-2428. (IF 8.005/5Y-IF 9.115)

31. Minglei Zhao#, Songguang Yang#, Chia-Yang Chen, Chenlong Li, Wei Shan, Wangjin Lu, Yuhai Cui, Xuncheng Liu*, Keqiang Wu*. (2015) Arabidopsis BREVIPEDICELLUS interacts with the SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeling ATPase BRAHMA to regulate KNAT2 and KNAT6 expression in control of inflorescence architecture. PLoS Genetics 11(3): e1005125. (IF 6.02 /5Y-IF 6.514)

32. Yi Zhou#, Bin Tan#, Ming Luo#, Yin Li, Chen Liu, Chen Chen, Chun-Wei Yu, Songguang Yang, Shuai Dong, Jiuxiao Ruan, Liangbin Yuan, Zhou Zhang, Linmao Zhao, Chenlong Li, Huhui Chen, Yuhai Cui, Keqiang Wu*, Shangzhi Huang*. (2013) HISTONE DEACETYLASE19 interacts with HSL1 and participates in the repression of seed maturation genes in Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Cell 25(1):134-148. (IF 12.085/5Y-IF 12.796)

33. Mohamed Elhiti, Kim H Hebelstrup, Aiming Wang, Chenlong Li, Yuhai Cui, Robert D Hill, Claudio Stasolla*. (2013) Function of type-2 Arabidopsis hemoglobin in the auxin- mediated formation of embryogenic cells during morphogenesis. Plant Journal 74(6): 946-958. (IF 7.091/5Y-IF 8.028)

34. Guohua Fu#, Yujuan Zhong#, Chenlong Li, Yin Li, Xiaodong Lin, Bin Liao, Edward W. T. Tang, Keqiang Wu*, Shangzhi Huang*. (2010) Epigenetic regulation of peanut allergen gene Ara h 3 in developing embryos.Planta 231(5):1049-1060. (IF 4.54/5Y-IF 4.689)


1. Chenlong Li,The BAS chromatin remodeler determines brassinosteroid-induced transcriptional activation and plant growth. 34th International Conference on Arabidopsis Reference, San Diego, July 15-19, 2024 (Oral presentation)

2.  Chenlong Li, Plant SWI/SNF complexes: composition and functions. 6th National conference of Youth Plant Biologists, Guangzhou, China, Nov 9-11, 2023 (Oral presentation)

3.  Chenlong Li, SWI/SNF chromatin remodeler mediates brassinosteroid-inducedtranscriptional activation and plant growth. 1st International Symposium on Plant Ecological Evolutionary Developmental Biology, Wuhan, China, Oct 29-Nov 1, 2023 (Oral presentation)

4.  Chenlong Li, Plant SWI/SNF complexes: composition and functions. 1st Plant Epigenetic and genetic innovation symposium, Beijing, China, June 10-12, 2023 (Oral presentation)

5.  Chenlong Li, Epigenetic regulation during the seed to seedling transition. 8th National Seed Biology Conference, Lijiang, China, May 27-30, 2023 (Oral presentation)

6.  Chenlong Li, Epigenetic-mediated induction of ABA catabolism promotes seed germination. 13th Triennial ISSS Conference, United Kingdom, August 9-13, 2021 (Oral presentation)

7.  Chenlong Li, Time to wake up: Epigenetic and Brassinosteroids mediated regulation during the seed to seedling transition. 7th National Seed Biology Conference, Guangzhou, China, April 24, 2021 (Oral presentation)

8.  Chenlong Li, Identification and functional characterization of plant SWI/SNF complexes subunits. 1st Banana Functional Genomic Conference, Hainan, China, March 26, 2021 (Oral presentation)

9.  Chenlong Li, BRAHMA-interacting proteins BRIP1 and BRIP2 are core subunits of Arabidopsis SWI/SNF complexes. National Plant Biology Conference, Shenzhen, China, October 11-14, 2020 (Poster)

10. Chenlong Li, Identification and functional characterization of plant SWI/SNF complexes subunits. 5st National Developmental Biology Conference, Guangzhou, China, October 24-27, 2020 (Oral presentation)

11. Chenlong Li, Mechanism of the genomic targeting of chromatin remodelers in plants. Jilin University, Changchun, China, November 01, 2019 (Invited Talk)

12. Chenlong Li, Molecular mechanism of transcription repressor VAL1 in regulating seed- to-seedling transition. 6st National Seed Biology Conference, Huaihua, China, May 11, 2019 (Oral presentation)

13. Chenlong Li, Mechanism of the genomic targeting of chromatin remodelers in plants. National Taiwan University, Taipei, China, May 27, 2019 (Invited Talk)

14. Chenlong Li, Verification of DNA motifs in Arabidopsis using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis. 2018 National Plant Biology Conference, Taian, China, October 18-22, 2018 (Poster)

15. Chenlong Li, Cytosolic acetyl-CoA promotes histone acetylation predominantly at H3K27 in Arabidopsis. International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Turku, Finland, June 25-29, 2018 (Poster)

16. Chenlong Li, Molecular function of chromatin remodeler BRAHMA in plant development. 6st Plant Biology Symposia between Taiwan and mainland, Taipei, China, December 04-06, 2017 (Oral presentation)

17. Chenlong Li, Molecular function of chromatin remodeler BRAHMA in plant development. Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China, November 24, 2017 (Invited Talk)

18. Chenlong Li, DNA-sequence-specific histone demethylase REF6 recruits chromatin remodeler BRAHMA to regulate gene expression in Arabidopsis. 2017 National Plant Biology Conference, Chongqing, China, September 9-12, 2017 (Poster)

19. Chenlong Li, Chen C, Nguyen V, Kohalmi S.E., Huang S, Wu K, Chen X, and Cui Y.Arabidopsis swi2/snf2 chromatin remodeler Brahma regulates flowering time by directly activating SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE through preventing Polycomb repressors. Plant Biology 2016, Austin, Texas, July 9-13, 2016 (Poster)

20. Chenlong Li, Gu L, Gao L, Chen C, Yang S, Nguyen V, Kohalmi S.E., Huang S, Cao X, Wu K, Chen X, and Cui Y. Genomic targeting of H3K27 demethylase REF6 and chromatin-remodeler BAM in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotech 2016, Kingston, Canada, June 19-21, 2016 (Oral presentation)

21. Chenlong Li, GuL, GaoL, Chen C, Yang S, Nguyen V, Kohalmi S.E., Cao X, WuK, Chen X, and Cui Y. Concerted genomic targeting of H3K27 demethylase REF6 and chromatin- remodeler BAM in Arabidopsis. The Independent Research Fellows Conference, John Innes Centre, England, April 18, 2016 (Oral presentation)

22. Chenlong Li, Chen C, Kohalmi S.E., and Cui Y. The Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeler BRAHMA regulates Polycomb function during vegetative development and directly activates the flowering repressor SVP. The 2015 CSPB/SCBV Eastern Regional Meeting, Toronto, ON, November 20-21, 2015 (Oral presentation)

23. Chenlong Li. The Arabidopsis SWI2/SNF2 chromatin remodeler BRAHMA regulates Polycomb function during vegetative development and directly activates the flowering repressor SVP. SALK Institute, San Diego, December 20-21, 2014 (Invited Talk)

院长信箱: yinjy@ncu.edu.cn 书记信箱: wenpingwei@ncu.edu.cn

地址:江西省南昌市红谷滩区学府大道999号 邮编:330031

联系电话:0791-83969526 E-mail:spxy@ncu.edu.cn 传真:0791-83969526